Welcome To Our Flyline Search Marketing Blog
We are a family owned and operated marketing agency. Our goal is to find and strategically partner with other great family owned and operated companies. In 2009 we opened our doors for business. One day after we opened, we took on our first client. It was a small family owned plumbing firm in the Atlanta area. To this day, that incredible family remains a loyal customer of Flyline Search Marketng. Not many firms are blessed enough to still serve the very first customer who ever signed up.
The Flyline staff is one of the most talented and dedicated you will ever meet. Once we strategically partner with a customer, our team jumps into action. They pour their life energy into helping our client achieve their goals. The dedication, effort and relentless spirit our team brings to the table has literally created life changing results for many we serve. Over the years, the Flyline team has produced some of the most amazing results you will ever see. One example: We helped a family owned florist named Carithers Flowers grow from $160,000 in annual online revenue, up to $3.5 million in annual revenues. Took 10 years of hard work and dedication, but we did it. Over that same time span, we also served other flower shops. We achieved similar success for all of those firms as well. Our team has battled and scrapped for every inch of the reputation we have achieved. Proud of our team, and our company.
We are a full service advertising firm, that specializes in digital marketing. Our comprehensive marketing program is designed to produce steady, reliable sales and revenue growth. Since opening our company in 2009, we have proceeded to build a lengthy track record of delivering success. Our firm has generated millions in sales for customers across the United States. The Flyline staff works relentlessly to help our customers achieve a dominant position in the markets they operate in. Our staff is an analytical bunch. We believe the answers are all in the data. Serving customers all across the country offers great advantages. One being that we have mountains of analytics data at our finger tips to pour through. That data is used to refine and improve our comprehensive marketing program. Since 2009, that program has morphed from a solid concept, into a tactical and strategic weapon. One that we can use to the advantage of those we serve. The historical data is proof positive that this is in deed a fact. Customers who strategically partner with Flyline Search Marketing consistently achieve success.
We offer Google & Bing Pay Per Click Management, Website Design, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Consulting, Email Marketing and more. Our firm serves a diverse nationwide client base. We support flower shops, hospitals, plumbing firms, legal firms, fitness centers, self storage companies and more. E-commerce firms like Carithers Flowers, Millstones.com, Veldkamp’s Flowers, Antique Butcher Blocks and Pugh’s Flowers rely on Flyline to help them drive success.
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