
Welcome To Our Flyline Search Marketing Blog

We are a family owned and operated marketing agency. Our goal is to find and strategically partner with other great family owned and operated companies. In 2009 we opened our doors for business. One day after we opened, we took on our first client. It was a small family owned plumbing firm in the Atlanta area. To this day, that incredible family remains a loyal customer of Flyline Search Marketng. Not many firms are blessed enough to still serve the very first customer who ever signed up.

The Flyline staff is one of the most talented and dedicated you will ever meet. Once we strategically partner with a customer, our team jumps into action. They pour their life energy into helping our client achieve their goals. The dedication, effort and relentless spirit our team brings to the table has literally created life changing results for many we serve. Over the years, the Flyline team has produced some of the most amazing results you will ever see. One example: We helped a family owned florist named Carithers Flowers grow from $160,000 in annual online revenue, up to $3.5 million in annual revenues. Took 10 years of hard work and dedication, but we did it. Over that same time span, we also served other flower shops. We achieved similar success for all of those firms as well. Our team has battled and scrapped for every inch of the reputation we have achieved. Proud of our team, and our company.

We are a full service advertising firm, that specializes in digital marketing. Our comprehensive marketing program is designed to produce steady, reliable sales and revenue growth. Since opening our company in 2009, we have proceeded to build a lengthy track record of delivering success. Our firm has generated millions in sales for customers across the United States. The Flyline staff works relentlessly to help our customers achieve a dominant position in the markets they operate in. Our staff is an analytical bunch. We believe the answers are all in the data. Serving customers all across the country offers great advantages. One being that we have mountains of analytics data at our finger tips to pour through. That data is used to refine and improve our comprehensive marketing program. Since 2009, that program has morphed from a solid concept, into a tactical and strategic weapon. One that we can use to the advantage of those we serve. The historical data is proof positive that this is in deed a fact. Customers who strategically partner with Flyline Search Marketing consistently achieve success.

We offer Google & Bing Pay Per Click Management, Website Design, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Consulting, Email Marketing and more. Our firm serves a diverse nationwide client base. We support flower shops, hospitals, plumbing firms, legal firms, fitness centers, self storage companies and more. E-commerce firms like Carithers Flowers, Millstones.com, Veldkamp’s Flowers, Antique Butcher Blocks and Pugh’s Flowers rely on Flyline to help them drive success.






Most Recent Blog Posts

Research Conducted By Google – Search Is Heating Up

Now Is a Great Time to Deploy an Internet Marketing Program! What the Research Shows 30% to 35% of the general population now receives their advertising messages via the Internet. Search marketing can help you reach those clients. U.S. Corporations spend more than $300 billion annually on advertising. Only 10% of that spend is targeted at Internet Search Marketing. Source: Google™ Research 2007   Advice from Our CEO Now is the time to secure market share from Internet Advertising! If you continue to wait on the sidelines, your competitors, who are already using Internet Search Marketing are going to continue grabbing market share. The competition for Sponsored Link placement is only going to increase from this point forward. The price for the best keyword terms will continue to rise as more companies enter the Internet [...]

A Tough Message For AT&T Employees To Cope With At Christmas Time

Breaking News - Message Below From At&t Leadership In response to several factors that are impacting our industry and our company, AT&T today announced the elimination of 12,000 management and non-management jobs across the company. The reductions will occur in December and throughout 2009. The reduction of about 4 percent of our workforce is tied to three primary factors: a decline in customer spending driven by economic pressures; a continued industrywide trend of residential customers shifting from wired voice to wireless and broadband, and competition; and our more streamlined organizational structure which allows us to operate more effectively and efficiently. In response to these business and economic factors, AT&T plans to reduce its 2009 capital expenditures from 2008 levels. Capital plans for 2009 are being finalized now and specific guidance will be provided when the [...]

Pay Per Click For Ecommerce Web Sites

Creating a pay per click program for an e-commerce site can be quite a challenge. Most ecommerce sites offer thousands of products for sale. Designing a World Class PPC program for such a site means building a large number of ad campaigns that specifically support each of the various product categories the site offers. Literally thousands of keyword terms must be created that support each ad group and are relevant to the products being offered. A properly designed pay per click program for an ecommerce client can literally take several hundred hours of work on the part of the PPC program designer. You can anticipate at least one full month of fine tuning in order to get the program operating at peak efficiency. Nothing is more rewarding though than seeing the sales start to roll [...]

Traditional Media Is Fragmenting

Today's traditional media world is becoming an increasingly fragmented landscape. Television, Radio, Yellow Pages, Magazines and Newspapers are all struggling to protect their advertising revenues. Let’s examine a few of the emerging trends that have the media and publishing company executives scratching their heads. Television The TV industry is struggling with the fact that more and more homeowners now own TiVo's and DVR's. These devices are used to record favorite shows and to avoid TV commercials when viewing the recorded programming. Another challenge is the proliferation of channels now available. Homeowners who have cable or satellite television generally have more than 100 channels of programming available to choose from. Reaching that mass audience that used to exclusively watch traditional network programming is virtually impossible. In today’s market, advertising spend must now be spread across multiple [...]

Yahoo – Google Deal Off The Table

          Breaking News Here is a letter we received from Hilary Schneider, Executive Vice President at Yahoo. We think this information is important to our readers and are sharing it.    Dear Advertiser, We wanted to reach out to you directly regarding Google's decision, announced earlier today, to terminate the advertising services agreement that the companies announced in June. Yahoo! continues to believe in the benefits of the agreement, and is disappointed that Google has elected to withdraw from the agreement rather than defend it in court. Google notified Yahoo! of its refusal to move forward with implementation of the agreement following indication from the Department of Justice that it would seek to block it, despite Yahoo!'s proposed revisions to address the DOJ's and advertisers' concerns. While disappointed by this turn of events, [...]

Message From The CEO and Founder Of Flyline Search Marketing™and Flyline Media Group™

I am very proud to cut the ribbon on our new blog. A big thank you goes out the fine folks at United Web Works, Inc. in Savannah for their tireless efforts to bring our new website and blog online. United Web Works is one of our preferred vendors and really has been an outstanding business partner. The owner Andrew Reilly is the hardest working man in the website business. He works day and night to make sure his clients are taken care of. Please take time to visit the website for United Web Works (www.unitedwebworks.com) Mark W. Lein - CEO   Octobers Spotlight On The Clients Flyline sends out a special thank you to Matt at Anytime Fitness of Roswell, Julie at Pete's Plumbing Inc. and Beth at Caravita Home Care. Anytime Fitness of [...]





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