
Welcome To Our Flyline Search Marketing Blog

We are a family owned and operated marketing agency. Our goal is to find and strategically partner with other great family owned and operated companies. In 2009 we opened our doors for business. One day after we opened, we took on our first client. It was a small family owned plumbing firm in the Atlanta area. To this day, that incredible family remains a loyal customer of Flyline Search Marketng. Not many firms are blessed enough to still serve the very first customer who ever signed up.

The Flyline staff is one of the most talented and dedicated you will ever meet. Once we strategically partner with a customer, our team jumps into action. They pour their life energy into helping our client achieve their goals. The dedication, effort and relentless spirit our team brings to the table has literally created life changing results for many we serve. Over the years, the Flyline team has produced some of the most amazing results you will ever see. One example: We helped a family owned florist named Carithers Flowers grow from $160,000 in annual online revenue, up to $3.5 million in annual revenues. Took 10 years of hard work and dedication, but we did it. Over that same time span, we also served other flower shops. We achieved similar success for all of those firms as well. Our team has battled and scrapped for every inch of the reputation we have achieved. Proud of our team, and our company.

We are a full service advertising firm, that specializes in digital marketing. Our comprehensive marketing program is designed to produce steady, reliable sales and revenue growth. Since opening our company in 2009, we have proceeded to build a lengthy track record of delivering success. Our firm has generated millions in sales for customers across the United States. The Flyline staff works relentlessly to help our customers achieve a dominant position in the markets they operate in. Our staff is an analytical bunch. We believe the answers are all in the data. Serving customers all across the country offers great advantages. One being that we have mountains of analytics data at our finger tips to pour through. That data is used to refine and improve our comprehensive marketing program. Since 2009, that program has morphed from a solid concept, into a tactical and strategic weapon. One that we can use to the advantage of those we serve. The historical data is proof positive that this is in deed a fact. Customers who strategically partner with Flyline Search Marketing consistently achieve success.

We offer Google & Bing Pay Per Click Management, Website Design, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Consulting, Email Marketing and more. Our firm serves a diverse nationwide client base. We support flower shops, hospitals, plumbing firms, legal firms, fitness centers, self storage companies and more. E-commerce firms like Carithers Flowers, Millstones.com, Veldkamp’s Flowers, Antique Butcher Blocks and Pugh’s Flowers rely on Flyline to help them drive success.






Most Recent Blog Posts

Pugh’s Flowers Signs Multi-Year Contract Renewal

Flyline Search Marketing Pugh's Flowers Renews Contract The Pugh's family has signed a new, multi-year service agreement with Flyline Seach Marketing. We have been working with this incredible family since 2016. Over that 5 year period, we have helped the Pugh's grow their flower shop sales and revenues to new heights. Today, Pugh's Flowers is easily the most dominant florist in the Memphis, Tennessee market. We also help the Pugh's family market several more of their businesses. Our team provides a comprehensive marketing program for Pugh's Earthworks. The Earthworks company is one of the largest commercial landscaping firms operating in Mid-South region. Pugh’s Earthworks provides the highest quality landscaping services available. These folks are landscape maintenance experts. They also provide affordable grounds maintenance programs for commercial clients. They are committed to being a big part [...]

Allen’s Flowers Signs New Multi-Year Contract Renewal

Flyline Search Marketing Allen's Flowers Renews Contract The Allen's Flowers organization has signed a new, multi-year service agreement with Flyline Seach Marketing. We have been working with this incredible family since 2012. Over that 9 year period, we have helped them grow their online flower shop sales and revenues to new heights. Today, Allen's Flowers is easily the most dominant florist in the San Diego, California market. Brad Levy hired Flyline Search Marketing in April of 2012. At the time, Allen's Flowers was pretty much just getting started with online marketing. They had generated a modest amount of online revenue in 2011 and were eager to grow. They brought us in to help create a sustainable lead stream, which we successfully did. Brad wanted to grow his online sales and revenue, in a sustainable manner. [...]

Penny’s By Plaza – Best Florist In Pennsylvania

Penny's By Plaza Flowers Voted Pennsylvania Florist Of The Year Plaza Flowers and Penny's Flowers have have been customers of Flyline Search Marketing since July of 2019. Chris signed a multi-year service agreement, strategically partnering with Flyline Search Marketing. Both of these firms are owned and operated by Chris Drummond. In addition to owning these two flower shops, Mr. Drummond is also the current sitting President of the Society For American Florists (SAF). Chris Drummond is considered one of the brightest minds in the floral industry. He is certainly one of the most talented flower shop operators we have been blessed to work with. The past 16 months serving Chris have been super busy. There have been so many major accomplishments that is it hard to list them all. One of the biggest milestones achieved [...]

Send A Fresh Flower Arrangement This Season

Flyline Search Marketing Supporting Flower Shops All Across America The year 2020 will go down in history as one of the most challenging that America has ever known. To say that we are living in challenging times is a total understatement. Our country has rarely ever experienced such troubling times. We are in the midst of a full blown pandemic. Everyday we find ourselves wearing masks, washing our hands and using hand sanitizer, literally all day long. States all across the nation have mandated lock downs. In many cases, schools are closed, businesses are close and even places of worship have been forced to close. Even when we do simple tasks, like going to the grocery store, we are asked to wear a mask while we shop. Bless our poor children's hearts that they are [...]

New Wedding Site For Steve’s Flowers

Flyline Search Marketing Creates Beautiful Wedding Flower Websites Our design and development staff created a gorgeous wedding flower website for Steve's Flowers. The folks at Steve's Flowers offer the best selection of wedding flowers in Indianapolis, Indiana. They are family owned and operated. Truly some of the most incredible folks you will ever met. If you have a minute, take a look at their new wedding website. You can view it be clicking this link https://stevesweddingflowers.com If you live in or around the greater Indianapolis, Indiana area, we highly encourage you to stop in and take a look at any of their three floral design centers. They operate a flower shop in Indianapolis, another in Greenwood and a third in Pendleton. Here are the addresses of their floral design centers: Indianapolis Flower Shop 3150 E Thompson Rd, [...]

New Blog For Steve’s Flowers

Flyline Search Marketing A New Blog For Steve's Flowers Our website design staff has been super busy over the past 6 months. We have been onboarding many new clients in 2020. Our web development group recently created this beautiful blog for Steve's Flowers. They are a family owned and operated floral design firm whose primary market is Indianapolis, Indiana. Flyline Search Marketing has created one of the most effective marketing programs for flower shops in America. We have a long track record of producing incredible results for those we serve. As one example, we helped Carithers Flowers grow their online revenues over a ten year period in a manner the industry has never really seen. Flyline Search Marketing was originally hired by Carithers Flowers in January of 2009. The owner of Carithers Flowers, Charles Carithers, brought us [...]





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Is Allen’s Flowers The Fastest Growing Flower Shop In America?

Flyline Search Marketing Helping Allen's Flowers To Achieve Industry Leading Growth Allen's Flowers is a second generation, family owned and operated floral design firm. They have been a client of Flyline Search Marketing since April of 2012. Over the past 7 years, Flyline Search Marketing has delivered stunning sales and revenue growth for Allen's Flowers. The Levy family operates 3 flower shops in San Diego, El Cajon and La Mesa. They also operate a design and distribution facility that they opened a few years ago in downtown San Diego. The new design and distribution center was needed in order to properly manage the rapid growth. A review of the online sales and revenue data for 2019, makes is abundantly clear. Allen's Flowers is absolutely one of the fastest growing floral design firms in the United States. From January of 2019, thru November of 2019, online sales for Allen's Flowers are up 47.56% and online revenue is up by 53.63%. Pretty impressive numbers. Especially when you consider the fact that these performance stats are being produced in year 7 of the contractual relationship between Flyline and Allen's Flowers. The future in bright for Allen's Flowers. What are the factors that contribute to the incredible success that Allen's is enjoying. We asked Flyline CEO, Mark Lein, to give us his thoughts. Here is what he had to say. One of the biggest keys to success is aligning with a great florist. Brad Levy, CEO of Allen's Flowers, absolutely fits that description. He is smart, innovative, willing to be aggressive and open to new ideas. Brad is also incredibly loyal to his staff and to his vendor partners. He believes in people and empowers them to do their work, free from micro-management. Brad is an incredible leader. He has a keen sense of when to praise and when to push. Brad is a family man who he is always there for those he treasures. He places a high level of importance on building and maintaining great relationships.  Our team loves working with Brad and his awesome team.

Eastern Floral Experiencing Rapid Growth

Flyline Search Marketing Delivering Rapid Growth For Eastern Floral Eastern Floral operates three floral design centers in Grand Rapids, Grand Haven and Holland Michigan. Eastern is a third generation, family owned and operated floral design firm. Rick Huisman, CEO at Eastern Floral signed a multi-year contract with Flyline Search Marketing in June of 2019. Flyline serves many of the top independent and family owned flower shops in the United States, including firms like Allen's Flowers, Veldkamp's Flowers, Pugh's Flowers, Rockcastle Florist, Mayfield Florist, Williams Flowers and many more. Since taking over on June 1st of this year, Flyline has produced 4,762 online sales and $397,131.75 in online revenue. During the same time frame last year, the previous service provider delivered only 3,300 online sales and $273,950.00 in online revenue. In other words, in just 5 months, Flyline generated a 44.3% increase in Eastern's online sales and a 45.1% increase in their online revenue. If you just look at the paid search results over the past few months, the numbers are even more impressive. From June 1 of 2018 thru November 22 of 2018, the previous service provider produced 644 sales and $53,951.84 in online revenue from Google paid search. Over the same time frame this year, Flyline produced 1,598 sales and $131,936.95 in revenue from Google paid search. In other words, Flyline spent 15% less and produced 147.67% more sales and 143.89% more revenue.

November 25th, 2019|Categories: Advertising Programs For Florists, Eastern Floral, Flyline Search Marketing|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Eastern Floral Experiencing Rapid Growth

Radebaugh Florist Signs Multi-Year Contract Renewal

Flyline Search Marketing Announces New Multi-Year Contract With Radebaugh Florist This weekend, Flyline Search Marketing announced that Radebaugh Florist has signed a new, multi-year contract extension. Radebaugh Florist is a third generation, family owned and operated floral design firm. They operate a beautiful floral design center in Towson, Maryland. They also operate multiple retail and wholesale greenhouses. The greenhouses are co-located with the flower shop on the same Towson property. Radebaugh Florist was voted best florist in Baltimore, Maryland. Flyline Search Marketing offers a turn-key, comprehensive marketing program that is specifically designed to help flower shops grow their sales and revenues. This marketing program has a proven track record of delivering success for flower shops all across the country. Many of the most successful independent florists in the United States work with Flyline. We serve flower shops such as Veldkamp's Flowers in Denver, Allen's Flowers in San Diego, Pugh's Flowers in Memphis, Flowerama in Columbus, Mayfield Florist in Tucson, Radebaugh Florist in Baltimore and many more. The most recent firm to join the Flyline Search Marketing floral group is Hall's Flowers in Atlanta, Georgia. For the month of November 2019, online sales for Hall's Flower Shop are up by 81.94% and their online revenue is up by 84.75%. Bussey's Florist also recently joined the Flyline group. They operate multiple flower shops in Floyd and Polk county Georgia. For the month of November 2019, online sales for Bussey's are up by 160.0% and their online revenue is up by 172.87%.  

Trip To Veldkamp’s Flowers In Denver Colorado

Flyline Search Marketing Marketing Programs For Flower Shops The Flyline Search Marketing team recently traveled from Atlanta to Denver Colorado to visit with our client, Veldkamp's Flowers. Our staff spent several days at the flower shop. In between meetings with the leadership team, we took the opportunity to create a number of videos. We created one video dedicated to introducing Veldkamp's Flowers to website visitors. Another video was created that showcased their beautiful Fall decorations. We created a couple of additional videos, including one that featured Marchello, the lead designer at Veldkamp's. He is a true floral artisan and the floral designs he creates are truly luxurious, upscale designs. Veldkamp's Flowers is a third generation, family owned and operated floral design firm. They have been in business since 1959. The firm is owned by the Veldkamp family. The current CEO of Veldkamp's Flowers is John Veldkamp. Voted "Best Florist in Denver" for 2018 and again in 2019, Veldkamp's offers the best selection of gorgeous farm fresh flowers, plants and occasion themed gifts in Denver. They also offer local same day and express flower delivery service.

September Online Results at Williams Flowers Best Ever

Flyline Search Marketing ® Serving Williams Flowers Since 2016 Williams Flowers has been a customer of Flyline since 2016. They utilize our comprehensive Internet marketing program. Our digital marketing program is absolutely one of the very best in the floral industry. The comprehensive program is specifically designed to drive up sales and generate industry leading financial growth for flower shops. The owner of Williams Flower and Gift is William Gross. He operates seven floral design centers in the Puget Sound. Williams Flowers is a second generation, family owned and operate floral design firm. They are also one of the fastest growing flower shops in the state of Washington. In September, I traveled to the Puget Sound to visit with the Gross family. Really enjoyed my time with them. Got the opportunity to finally meet the entire family. They are really a very special group. Will and I traveled to every flower shop that he operates. The Puget Sound is a large geographic area and the flower shops are spread out across the expansive territory. The flower shops were all beautiful and extremely professionally set up. Really impressed with the job that Will and his family have done with them. In September, we grew online revenue for Williams Flowers by a staggering 91.33%. All of the flower shops in the Flyline group had great months, but, Will's numbers were the top in the group for September. I can't imagine that there are many other flower shops anywhere in America that grew revenues by 91.33% in September. Feels like the stunning financial growth figures at Williams Flowers likely puts them in a very elite group of florists.

Flyline Produces Eye Popping Numbers For Eastern Floral

Flyline Search Marketing ® Ramping Up Sales & Revenues Flyline Search Marketing is one of the top advertising agencies in the United States. We specialize in digital marketing programs for flower shops. Our firm utilizes a comprehensive advertising approach that has a proven track record of delivering eye popping results. The program consistently delivers a steady and reliable stream of leads, sales and new revenues. Over the past 10 years, we have helped flower shops all over the United States achieve industry leading online sales growth. Are you running a flower shop or shops that are struggling? If so, we encourage you to contact us. We can help you get your sales and revenues headed back in the right direction. Flyline Search Marketing ® is a full service Internet marketing agency. We offer Google & Bing Pay Per Click Management, Website Design, Social Media Marketing, Blogging, Consulting, Email Marketing and more. Our firm serves a diverse nationwide client base. In addition to flower shops, we also support hospitals, plumbing firms, legal firms, fitness centers, self storage companies and more. E-commerce firms like Carithers Flowers, Millstones.com, Veldkamp’s Flowers, Antique Butcher Blocks and Pugh’s Flowers have come to rely on Flyline to deliver the growth they need to ensure their business can flourish. On June 1, 2019, Flyline Search Marketing activated our comprehensive marketing program for Eastern Floral. Over the first four months of the program, our team has dramatically improved the overall productivity of the advertising program. Eastern Floral is seeing strong gains in organically generated sales and revenues. They have also seen a huge jump in sales and revenues generated through our paid search efforts. Over the past 4 months, we have increased online sales by 50.7%, year over year. During that same time frame, we also increased online revenues by 50.3%. The program produced another great surprise for Eastern Floral. We successfully improved their overall conversion rate from 6.18% last year, to 9.15% this year. That represents an overall productivity improvement of 48.1%.

Flyline Creates Gorgeous Wedding Site For Hall’s Flower Shop

Flyline Search Marketing ® Building New Hall’s Flower Shop Wedding Site Hall’s Flower Shop is one of the premier florists operating in the greater Atlanta area. They provide local same-day delivery anywhere in metro Atlanta. When you need your flowers delivered at a specific time, we encourage you to opt for their express flower delivery service. With express service, Hall's can have your flowers delivered within approximately 4 hours of the time your place your order.  Hall's Operates a floral design center and multiple retail and wholesale greenhouses. They are located in Stone Mountain, not far from the intersection of Memorial Drive and I-285. Their address is 5706 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain, Ga 30083. The award winning floral design team at Hall's Flower Shop is one of the best in Atlanta. They create luxurious, upscale wedding flower designs. As part of the comprehensive marketing program that we provide for them, we created a beautiful wedding website. You can view the new wedding site at https://hallsweddingflowers.com. The team at Hall's Flower Shop has years of experience and has handled wedding flower design for brides all across the greater Atlanta area. We have worked in most of the top wedding venues in the city and have first hand knowledge of the floral design, color schemes and presentation styles that work best for each venue.  

Flyline Creates New Website For Hall’s Garden Center

Flyline Search Marketing ® Check Out The New Hall's Garden Center Website Hall’s Flower Shop is one of the premier florists operating in the greater Atlanta area. They provide local same-day delivery anywhere in metro Atlanta. When you need your flowers delivered in the Atlanta area, we encourage you to reach out to the great folks at Hall's Flowers. In addition to the beautiful flower shop, Hall's also operates multiple retail and wholesale greenhouses. The flower shop and the garden center are located at 5706 Memorial Drive, Stone Mountain, GA 30083. They are not far from the intersection of Memorial Drive and I-285. From that intersection you will travel approximately 1 - 2 miles outside of the perimeter to reach their 5 acre facility. The award winning floral design team at Hall's Flower Shop is one of the best in Atlanta. We have one of the very best horticulturists in the state of Georgia running our retail greenhouses and garden center operation. His name is Ken Hall. He is the son of Wayne and Mildred Hall. Hall's Flower Shop & Garden Center was founded in 1946 in the Kirkwood neighborhood of Atlanta by Wayne and Mildred. They built an outstanding reputation for being one of Atlanta's most trusted floral brands. Hall's offers one of the best selections of beautiful, farm fresh flowers and plants in the greater Atlanta area. Kenneth and his wife Betsy now own and operate the company. As part of the comprehensive marketing program that we provide for them, we created a beautiful greenhouse and garden center website. You can view the new garden center site at https://hallsgardencenter.com.

Plaza Flowers Hires Flyline Search Marketing

Flyline Search Marketing ® Penny’s by Plaza Flowers Hires Flyline Chris Drummond, owner of Penny’s By Plaza Flowers has strategically partnered with Flyline Search Marketing. The team at Flyline will immediately begin managing the digital advertising program for Plaza. Flyline Search Marketing is one of the top Ad Agencies in the United States who specialize in digital marketing for flower shops. Flyline offers a turn-key marketing program. This program has been deployed for florists all across the country. The results have been truly eye popping in many areas that it has been used. Some of the fastest growing florists in the country are in the Flyline floral group. Penny’s by Plaza joins a distinguished group of flower shops who utilize Flyline Search Marketing. Flower shops in the Flyline group include; Allen’s Flowers in San Diego California, Bussey’s Flowers in Cedartown Georgia, Elaine’s Flowers in Buffalo New York, Flowerama Columbus in Columbus Ohio, Hall’s Flower Shop in Atlanta Georgia, Mayfield Florist in Tucson Arizona, Pugh’s Flowers in Memphis Tennessee, Radebaugh Flowers in Baltimore Maryland, Rockcastle Florist in Rochester New York, Veldkamp’s Flowers in Denver Colorado and Williams Flower & Gift in Tacoma Washington. The CEO of Flyline Search Marketing is Mark Lein. Headquarters for Flyline is Atlanta, Georgia. Chris signed a multi-year service agreement. The plan is for Flyline to focus on growth in top line sales and revenues. Historically Flyline has helped flower shops to grow many functional areas of their business. In speaking with Mark Lein, CEO of Flyline, he indicated that the program will include strategies and tactics designed to grow traditional floral design and delivery, wedding and event business, sympathy business and get well flower delivery.

Elaine’s Flowers Hires Flyline Search Marketing

Flyline Search Marketing ® Elaine's Flower Shoppe Signs Multi-Year Contract With Flyline Elaine's Flower Shoppe has hired Flyline Search Marketing to provide marketing services for our firm. We are a nationally acclaimed marketing firm, who specializes in digital marketing for flower shops. Flyline has already begun to work on building the Elaine's Flower Shoppe brand. Our staff began by creating a new free standing blog for Elaine's (https://elainesflowershoppeblog.com) and we also built a new wedding site as well (https://elainesweddingflowers.com). Elaine’s is one of the most trusted floral brands in the Buffalo New York area. We have years of experience serving customers in Buffalo and Western New York. We create luxurious, upscale floral designs for all occasions. We display many of the wonderful floral designs we have available on our website. If you don’t see the exact floral design you are looking for on the site, we encourage you to contact one of our three flower shops. We operate three locations, including flower shops in Depew, Amherst, and East Aurora. We are family owned and operated. Our firm offers both local same day and express flower delivery service. The delivery team at Elaine’s serves the greater Buffalo area, delivering throughout Western New York and across the country. Our specialties include fresh flowers, tropical plants, silk arrangements, dried floral arrangements, gift baskets, and an extensive gift line.  

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